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When we place our elderly or infirm loved ones in the care of a nursing home or assisted living facility, we anticipate that they will receive the highest quality of care. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Nursing home abuse is a serious issue, affecting thousands of people throughout California.
If you suspect that your loved one is a victim of nursing home abuse, do not wait to take legal action. A Burbank nursing home abuse lawyer at Block LLP could fight for justice on behalf of your family.
Navigating personal injury law, especially statutes concerning nursing home abuse, can be legally intricate. Collaborating with a seasoned legal team is crucial to ensuring that your loved one’s rights are protected and justice is served. One crucial piece of legislation in California is The Elder Abuse and Dependent Adult Civil Protection Act, designed to provide specialized protections against exploitation, abuse, and neglect for elderly and dependent adults.
Another statute that often comes into play in nursing home abuse cases is Section 1430 of the California Health and Safety Code, which protects nursing home residents who report abuse from retaliation. If a nursing home violates this law, it can be penalized. California Welfare and Institutions Code Section, 15610.07, defines elder abuse and provides civil and criminal penalties for violation of the law.
Various scenarios qualify as abuse in California nursing homes. Neglect is one instance, such as when a nurse fails to administer medications as needed. Another form is physical abuse, which might involve a caretaker or another staff member in the nursing home. Financial exploitation constitutes another type of abuse, encompassing actions like stealing cash or property, forging a resident’s signature, or manipulating and coercing a resident into signing over assets.
No matter the type of abuse, an experienced Burbank nursing home abuse lawyer could assist in investigating the case, building a case to take to court, or negotiating with the insurance company for a payout.
Investigating nursing home abuse can be incredibly difficult. Among the many required tasks are reviewing medical records, interviewing nursing home staff and medical experts, examining surveillance footage, consulting experts, and putting together the pieces of this work to reach a conclusion.
A Burbank nursing home attorney could identify areas for further examination and propose possible explanations when a nursing home fails to provide needed answers.
Watching your loved one go through nursing home abuse can be incredibly painful, not to mention financially draining. A Burbank nursing home abuse lawyer could provide the support and legal knowledge necessary to seek justice.
Reach out to our team at Block LLP today to get started. Your initial consultation is free.
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