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Block LLP

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New drugs and medications undergo an extensive process for Federal Drug Administration (FDA) approval before they hit the market for consumer purchase. Unfortunately, some pharmaceutical companies or drug manufacturers take shortcuts to get their products to consumers, resulting in people sustaining severe injuries.
When you take a prescription or over-the-counter drug, you expect it to make you feel better. You could have the right to collect compensation when you suffer injuries after taking medication. Contact a Burbank dangerous drugs lawyer to schedule a consultation today. The skilled personal injury attorneys at Block LLP could fight for you through a settlement or in court.
A defective drug or medication can cause many side effects and complications. Some of the most common include:
Taking a dangerous drug could cause severe long-term physical and psychological injuries. The damages may require years of follow-up medical care and loss of salary. Speak with an attorney in Burbank to learn about the potential damages an injured person can recover after being hurt by a dangerous drug.
Drug manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies have large insurance corporations that defend them when injury claims arise. They will typically attempt to force the injured party to say something that could prove they were at fault for their injuries. They also may offer settlement amounts too low to cover damages and losses comprehensively.
The injured party should never handle communications or negotiations with an insurer alone. A skilled Burbank harmful medications attorney could handle communications and negotiations on the plaintiff’s behalf.
For a successful case against a manufacturer, the claimant and legal representation must establish the manufacturer sold a product that resulted in injury. Under California Assembly Bill 1182, proof that the case falls under one of three categories within product liability law is an essential component of a case. The three categories under product liability law are:
Civil claims that result from a design defect occur if the benefits of the medication do not outweigh the potential hazards. These defects occur during the medicine design and will likely affect all the drugs they manufacture using that formula.
A manufacturer defect occurs during medication production and may only affect the batch they were manufacturing. For these claims, the injured person must prove it was hazardous for consumption when the medication left the manufacturer.
Failure to warn legal actions occurs when the manufacturer or pharmaceutical company does not provide adequate instructions for use. A failure to warn claim can also arise if the producer does not warn of all potential side effects.
A seasoned lawyer in Burbank could help investigate and form a compelling claim defective drugs claim.
Drugs and medications are on the market to help those who take them not cause harm or injuries. You could hold manufacturers legally accountable if you took a prescription or over-the-counter medicine and sustained damages.
You should not be responsible for paying for the damages when you have suffered injuries after taking a hazardous medication. When you experience severe illness or dangerous side effects after taking a medication, contact an experienced Burbank dangerous drugs lawyer immediately to begin your claim. Call Block LLP today to set up a free initial meeting.
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