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Dog bites hurt, and can cause injuries leading to medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and emotional trauma. If you or a loved one were bitten by someone else’s pet, it is crucial to recognize that you have legal options. Our personal injury team at Block LLP is here to help.
A dog bite is no small deal and can be a serious financial liability. A Burbank dog bite lawyer could investigate the circumstances of a bite to prove liability, develop a case to take to court, or negotiate for a settlement with the insurance company.
Per Civil Code Section 3342, California is what is known as strict liability state when it comes to dog bites. This means a dog owner is responsible for their dog’s actions, regardless of how the dog has behaved in the past. In some states, there is a first-time exception for dog owners when a dog has not previously acted violently. California does not have this exception.
There are a few other laws pertaining to dog bites. Civil Code Section 3342.5 requires dog owners to take reasonable steps to prevent a future attack when one occurs. If they do not, they can be charged with a misdemeanor under Section 3342.7. A Burbank dog bite attorney could explain how these laws might factor into a civil claim.
Like other personal injury cases, there are damages available to dog bite victims, including those for medical bills, lost wages and earning potential, pain and suffering, and emotional trauma. The precise damages available depend on the specific facts of a case, such as what medical treatments are necessary and how much time was spent out of work.
Obtaining damages requires proving liability for an injury, which can be a legally complex process. A Burbank dog bite attorney could handle tabulating and arguing for damages.
Many dog bite cases settle out of court. This does not mean that getting a lawyer is not necessary. The insurance companies are experienced at fighting claims and are prone to make lowball settlement offers to overwhelmed victims, leaving people with much less than they deserve.
Experienced dog bite lawyers know to anticipate these tactics, and could handle negotiations on behalf of a client in Burbank. They will know how to value a case accurately and negotiate for an appropriate settlement amount accordingly.
After an animal attack, you have enough on your plate. You should not have to worry about handling the ins and outs of a civil claim. Get yourself an experienced lawyer and rest assured you have good counsel at your side.
Contact a Burbank dog bite lawyer at Block LLP today to get started. We could walk you through your options and work to ensure you get the payments you need and deserve.
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