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Vehicle collisions involving trucks are often fatal to people who are riding in cars or on motorcycles. People who have experienced an 18-wheeler accident might sustain permanent, life-altering injuries. The transportation industry is powerful, and it defends claims aggressively. You need a well-practiced truck accident attorney on your side when you are seeking compensation for an injury to ensure you receive the maximum amount of compensation available.
A Westlake Village truck accident lawyer from our firm could work tirelessly to ensure you receive fair compensation for your injuries. Our legal team could investigate the crash, value your losses, and hold the responsible parties accountable while you focus on healing.
All truck drivers must use reasonable caution when operating their vehicles to prevent injuries to others. When their vehicle is a commercial truck, the owner, operator, and driver have a heightened responsibility. They must use the utmost care to avoid harming anyone else on the road.
In the event of an accident, a Westlake Village attorney would investigate a truck collision to find evidence that the truck’s owner, the company operating it, or the driver failed to take the utmost care. They could subpoena the truck’s electronic data recording and footage from its external and internal cameras to determine whether the driver obeyed all laws and regulations when the crash happened. The truck’s maintenance records might indicate whether poor maintenance or a mechanical failure contributed to the crash.
When there is evidence that someone’s negligence caused an accident, the negligent party is liable for the losses anyone else sustained in the incident. The trucking company’s insurer would be liable to cover an injured person’s medical bills, property damage, lost wages, and pay for their pain and suffering.
One of the critical tasks of a Westlake Village attorney is calculating the value of an injured person’s truck accident claim. Economic damages are usually provable with documentary evidence, but non-economic damages are subjective. Providing a fair estimation of non-economic damages requires knowledge and experience.
A motorist who sustains an injury from a commercial vehicle collision is entitled to reimbursement of their out-of-pocket costs, also called their economic damages. These would include the value or repair costs of the vehicle in the crash and any damaged or destroyed contents. All medical expenses and incidental costs of rehabilitation and living with the injury are included in economic damages. They also include time lost at work and diminished future earning capacity.
Non-economic damages compensate for the intangible impact of being injured and living with an injury. California Civil Code § 1431.2(2)(b) defines non-economic damages as physical pain, inconvenience, loss of consortium, mental distress, and other effects on the injured person’s quality of life. Photographs, videos, medical records, and statements from the injured person and their family could demonstrate the changes the accident caused in their activities and lifestyle.
In most cases, the law gives an injured person two years to file a lawsuit to seek compensation for an accident. However, when a government agency might have some responsibility, the injured person must notify them within six months or lose their right to pursue damages.
However, it is unwise to wait until the legal deadlines approach before contacting a Westlake Village attorney for help with a commercial vehicle case. Trucking companies typically defend claims against them aggressively. Getting a legal professional involved immediately after the accident promotes a thorough, independent investigation of the wreck and helps ensure valuable evidence will be available.
A legal professional could immediately notify the trucking company, the law enforcement agency that responded to the accident, and the trucking company’s insurer, demanding that they preserve evidence. They could also determine whether cameras in the area might have recorded the moments leading up to the crash.
Truck accident injuries can be severe and may permanently impact your quality of life and financial security. Seeking appropriate damages from the responsible parties can help you live the best life possible after your injury.
A Westlake Village truck accident lawyer could help you understand all your available options for pursuing compensation and ensure that justice is served. Contact our firm for an initial consultation.
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