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Uber, Lyft, and other rideshare services are convenient ways to get around, but you may not have considered what to do when you are involved in an accident as a passenger of one of these services. You may be entitled to compensation from your Uber or Lyft driver when you were injured because of their negligence. Depending on the circumstances, the rideshare company may also be responsible for their driver’s conduct.
After Uber or Lyft rideshare accidents in Westlake Village, contact a knowledgeable car accident attorney familiar with rideshare accident lawsuits. The lawyers at Block LLP could help you navigate your claim and negotiate a fair settlement to reimburse the harm you suffered.
Injured rideshare passengers can pursue a claim against the liability coverage of their driver when the driver causes an accident. This is similar to most ordinary car accident claims.
Evidence of an injured party’s losses is needed when filing a lawsuit against an Uber, Lyft, or other rideshare driver, which could include:
After a car accident, injured people may incur medical expenses and need time off work to recover. A reduced income after a crash can be a financial stressor, but an attorney in Westlake Village could help those injured obtain compensation for their losses related to the Uber/Lyft/rideshare accident.
Companies like Uber and Lyft often prioritize their profits over customer safety. Drivers are not subject to a comprehensive background check and are encouraged to work long hours to provide as many rides as possible. When a rideshare company overlooked a driver’s prior history of bad driving or previous accidents, passengers can hold the rideshare company liable for negligence.
In many rideshare accidents, the driver is responsible and will have insurance coverage, but the injured person may also be able to sue Uber or Lyft. However, these companies classify their workers as independent contractors and are only legally responsible for their driver’s actions under specific circumstances. Rideshare services carry supplemental insurance to compensate customers.
Rideshare companies will attempt to circumvent liability for their drivers’ accidents by arguing they are independent contractors, but negligent drivers and rideshare companies are responsible for their customers’ injuries.
When you are involved in Uber/Lyft/rideshare accidents in Westlake Village, you need an attorney who understands the ins and outs of rideshare liability and can apply their knowledge and expertise to help your case. A car wreck can leave you with devastating injuries and completely alter your way of life.
The lawyers at Block LLP could represent you in a claim against the driver responsible, estimate your damages, and advocate for justice on your behalf.
Cases against rideshare drivers can be difficult to win, but with our assistance, you can pursue the compensation you deserve. We have helped clients like you recover financial compensation from negligent rideshare drivers and companies like Uber and Lyft. Schedule a free and confidential consultation today.
Block LLP offers a free E-book to help you maximize your car accident settlement!