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Numerous advancements in safety technology and vehicle design have occurred over the past several decades, all of which have made it easier to walk away from a car crash with relatively minor injuries or none. Unfortunately, there is still only so much modern cars can do to lessen the impact of another motor vehicle crashing front-first into your doors or side paneling.
T-bone crashes often result in severe injuries with potentially life-altering consequences. When you are hurt in a side-impact/T-bone car accident in Burbank, speak with one of our seasoned car accident attorneys, who could help you demand compensation for the harm someone else’s negligence has caused you.
Under the legal theory of “negligence,” someone who causes another person to get hurt by doing something reckless, careless, or illegal in violation of a “duty of care” can be made to pay for every injury and loss that other person suffers because of their injury. Someone who runs a red light, fails to yield the right-of-way properly, drives drunk, or otherwise negligently causes a side-impact car crash in Burbank can be held liable under this theory for both economic and non-economic “damages” like:
It is worth noting, though, that while it is possible to recover compensation through an insurance claim and a personal injury lawsuit after a serious car crash, it is not possible to recover twice for the same damages. For example, if insurance already covered all a crash victim’s medical expenses, that person could not then include medical bills in an ensuing lawsuit against the person at fault for the wreck.
When a Burbank resident is injured in a side-impact auto accident, they are not immune from being found partially at fault for that wreck. Suppose a court finds that the “plaintiff” filing such a claim contributed to the accident through their own negligence. In that case, it may reduce the total compensation available to that plaintiff in proportion to their share of total fault for the incident. The same may go for an insurance company negotiating a settlement for the same wreck.
Furthermore, state law generally grants people injured through the negligence of others just two years after initially getting hurt to file suit against the person at fault for their injury. This is a deceptively short period of time in which to build and file a strong civil claim, so contacting legal counsel should be a top priority—behind seeking necessary medical care—for anyone involved in this sort of crash.
Auto accidents are virtually always traumatic experience, but T-bone crashes can often be life-altering and even life-threatening on top of that. Fortunately, you have help available when it comes to pursuing financial recovery for such a wreck from a qualified legal professional with a track record of getting good results from cases much like yours in the past.
One of our attorneys could explain your rights and possible filing options following a side-impact/T-bone car accident in Burbank during a confidential consultation. Call today to schedule yours.
Block LLP offers a free E-book to help you maximize your car accident settlement!